NeuroScience and NeuroHacks to ease Tension & Anxiety

NeuroScience and NeuroHacks to ease Tension & Anxiety

Part of Kimberly's journey is considering the whole person and how people can best function within their space.... It is about the Human Experience. 

In this climate... We will be posting multiple resources to ease tension, stress & anxiety.

The body is the key to mental and physical wellness. We work to provide the environment to support your self development and wellness journey.

with gratitude,

Kimberly Reyes

When you feel your mind racing with negative thoughts- immediately shift your thoughts into - “What is the positive in this?” It is possible to find the positive in everything. For example: You just went through a horrific break-up with your partner. It is painful and difficult to shift out of negative thought patterns. Immediately ask yourself, “what is the positive in this?” over and over if you need to. Maybe it is that you have a beloved child, you learned something beautiful about yourself... or simply that you valued yourself enough to leave. There is always a positive and opportunity for growth. This technique can be implemented to situations large and small. It is not meant to make less or light of any situation. It is solely to train your brain to find the positive - instead of immediately cycling into negative thought patterns that can be very difficult to get out of. Once you are able to focus on the positive you are also training yourself to find the gratitude in life. Train Your Brain!


     - Feeling Anxious -
    Many times we feel it in our bodies and not just our brains.
    3 sounds that release stress from your body.


    While brushing your teeth in the morning and night make the sound “hmm” as a way to preventatively regulate your nervous system. This sound vibrates your Vagus Nerve and helps activate your parasympathetic when doing so!


    OM / AUM

    This anciently used sound can be used chanting / in meditation, or can simply be sounded out in the shower or car. There are a variety of studies that suggest chanting this sound has an array of physiological and physiological benefits ranging from better decision making to improved heart rate variability! We use this in our practice daily and teachings.


    If you’ve never done laughter yoga.. go look it up! It feels silly at first, but your brain doesn’t know a difference between fake and real laughter.. If you want to go BIG - do this while smiling & looking up at ceiling! You will feel absolutely ridiculous... and I challenge you to frown. You can’t! I teach this to people that are struggling with networking, speaking in public and other areas of life.... It works!
    Hope this Helps!
    Let us know how you do